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Pink Floyd - Nobody Home + Türkçeleri

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grup tuttuğum takım
Yarbay Grup
Hat durumu Cinsiyet Özel mesaj 4364 ileti
İş: ***Yacht&sailing***
Kayıt: 19-03-2007 08:41

işletim sistemim [+][+3][+5] [-]
kırık link bildirimi Kırık Link Bildir! #214866 23-05-2007 14:02 GMT-1 saat    
i've got a little black book with my poems in.
got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in.
when i'm a good dog, they sometimes throw me a bone in.

i got elastic bands keepin my shoes on.
got those swollen hand blues.
got thirteen channels of shit on the t.v. to choose from.
i've got electric light.
and i've got second sight.
and amazing powers of observation.
and that is how i know
when i try to get through
on the telephone to you
there'll be nobody home.

i've got the obligatory hendrix perm.
and the inevitable pinhole burns
all down the front of my favorite satin shirt.
i've got nicotine stains on my fingers.
i've got a silver spoon on a chain.
i've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains.

i've got wild staring eyes.
and i've got a strong urge to fly.
but i got nowhere to fly to.
ooooh, babe when i pick up the phone

"surprise, surprise, surprise..." (from gomer pyle show)
there's still nobody home.

i've got a pair of gohills boots
and i got fading roots.


kucuk siyah bir defterim var icinde $iirlerim
bir cantam var, icinde di$ fircam ve taragim
uslu bir kopek oldugumda bazen kemik atarlar onume
lastik bantlarim var, ayakkabilarimi ayagimda tutan
$i$mi$ morluklar ellerimde
on uc boktan kanalli tv'im var, istedigimi secmem icin
elektirik i$igim var
ve altinci hissim var
$a$irtici gozlem gucum var
ve bu nedenle biliyorum ki
sana ula$mayi denedigimde
kimse olmayacak evde
hendrix tarzi dogal permam var
ve kacinilmaz yanik gozenekleri
ba$tan a$agi en sevdigim saten gomlegimde
nikotin lekeleri var parmaklarimda.
gumu$ bir ka$ik var zincirimin ucunda
buyuk bir piyanom var cenaze levazimatim olarak
cilgin baki$li gozlerim var.
ucmak icin guclu bir istegim var
fakat ucacak hicbir yerim yok
aaaah bebek ahizeyi elime aldigimda
evde hala kimse yok
bir cift gohills (bir bot markasi,fakirler giyer) botum
ve yok olup giden koklerim var.

Bunu ilk beğenen siz olun

Hata Oluştu

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