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Autobot 1.4c 1742

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grup tuttuğum takım
Er Grup
Hat durumu Cinsiyet Özel mesaj 4 ileti
Kayıt: 05-08-2009 07:01

işletim sistemim [+][+3][+5] [-]
kırık link bildirimi Kırık Link Bildir! #337931 05-08-2009 17:48 GMT-1 saat    

- Auto-Attack
- Manual Targeting
- Smart Targeting
- Auto-Pot
- Auto-Repair ( Hug me, lol! )
- 5 Attack Skills & 5 Timed Skills
- Gm detection on visibility range. No need for a list of names.
- Anti-Invisibility, makes everyone visible, even Gms. And you can target them.
- Many more...

On next release:

Some bugs:


Run the hack while your character has already been loaded. When hack got an handle on KO, then it will stay open, otherwise it closes. In the beginning you'll be seeing only one line in the console. Don't worry, here are all the hotkeys...
- CTRL + NUM0 - Toggle "Wallhack"
- CTRL + NUM1 - Toggle Swift speed, can cause DC I believe.
- CTRL + NUM2 - Toggle Nation. Maybe you find use for it.
- CTRL + NUM3 - Prints your character's and your party members' IDs.
- CTRL + NUM4 - Toggles the stack'ability of the item in the last slot of your inventory. Make multiple stacks of something.
- CTRL + NUM5 - Print target info
- CTRL + NUM6 - Print your inventory info. Good for finding out Item IDs.
- CTRL + NUM7 - Brings up Transformation list using Gems. NOTE: It waits for integer input so be sure to enter any option.
- CTRL + NUM8 - Brings up Extra Warp Locations list. You need to target the Warp Gate and be near to it. NOTE: Same.
- CTRL + NUM9 - Brings up Skill Recorder. NOTE: Same.
- CTRL + NUM+ - Reload Settings file.
- F11 - Toggle Bot
- SHIFT + ESC - Exit hack

Settings: MUST BE READ!

WindowName - Game window name.
BotKey - The keyboard key you press to enable/disable Bot. For example F11 is 0x7A.

= 1 - Attacker
= 2 - Healer
= 0 - Disable
= 1 - Enable
ThreatLevel - Monster level that will cause you to go town, when coming near you.
ThreatDistance - The distance that will cause you to go town for previous option.
InstantCast = 1
= 0 - Disable - Skill animation time is before its effect.
= 1 - Enable - Skill animation time is after its effect.
ExitIfGm - Closes program (and game) if Game Master found.
= 0 - Disable
= 1 - Enable

= 0 - Manual targeting
= 1 - Target by HP
= 2 - Target by TargetID
= 3 - Target by NameID
= 4 - Target by LookID
= 5 - Target by Level
TargetID - Array of TargetIDs. Separate by comas and end it with coma.
TargetNameID - Array of NameIDs. Separate by comas and end it with coma.
TargetLookID - Array of LookIDs. Separate by comas and end it with coma.
Skill0ID - ID of the first attack skill.
SuperArcher - Inflicts 2 R-attacks during animation time of attack skill.
= 0 - Disable
= 1 - Enable
RunToRange - Runs towards target until the distance is less than AttackRangeMin. If distance is greater than AttackRangeMax, then no running.
= 0 - Disable
= 1 - Enable
AttackRangeMin - If distance is below AttackRangeMin, then skills are being casted.
AttackRangeMax - If distance is below AttackRangeMax, then R-Attacks are being casted.
AvoidKillSteal - If target is already attacked, then skip this target. Do not enable this in party.
= 0 - Disable
= 1 - Enable
SelfHeal - Heals yourself using settings in Healer section.
= 0 - Disable
= 1 - Enable

HealSkillID - ID of healing skill.

= 0 - Disable
= 1 - Enable
Skill0ID - ID of the first timed skill. Targets self and party members.
Timing0 - Interval in seconds for the first timed skill.

= 0 - Disable
= 1 - Enable
HPSmartPct - Click Here for more information.
HPLimitPct - Final HP limit in precentage to use HPPotItemID.
MPLimit - Mana limit in Mana Points, when below to use MPPotitemID. Set to 0 to disable mana potting.
= 389011000 - 90 HP pot
= 389012000 - 180 HP pot
= 389013000 - 360 HP pot
= 389014000 - 720 HP pot
= 389015000 - 1440 HP pot
= 389016000 - 120 MP pot
= 389017000 - 240 MP pot
= 389018000 - 480 MP pot
= 389019000 - 960 MP pot
= 389020000 - 1920 MP pot

AutoLoot -
1 - Enable this feature
0 - Disable
RunToChest - Enable this if you want your character to run to the chests.
1 - Enable
0 - Disable
OpenChestDelay - Leave it 400, otherwise the bot might not find items in chests.
0 - Loot All
1 - Loot only Coins
2 - Loot using 'Included' style
3 - Loot using 'Excluded' style
InclBaseID - Equals to same ID you can find in Item_Org.tbl
First check in 'Included' style. If chest Item Base ID is in this list, then item is going to be looted.
For example: 900000000,389074000,389075000,389076000, ( Leave ',' to the end )
InclUpgrID - Is the combination of Item Base ID and upgrade level.
Second check in 'Included' style. If chest Item Base ID is in this list, then item is going to be looted if chest Item Upgrade Level is higher than what was added to the Base ID.
For example: 110810005, ( Makes you loot Sword Breakers which upgrade level is 5 or above )
In****emID - Is the Item Real ID. Equals to Item_Org ID + Item_Ext ID. You can get Real IDs by printing inventory info.
Third check in 'Included' style. If chest Item Real ID is in this list, then item is going to be looted.
For example: 330310014, ( Is Kekuri Ring if I remember correctly? )
ExclBaseID - Option of 'Excluded' style.
If chest Item Base ID is in this list, then item is NOT going to be looted.
For example: 389023000,379001000,379002000,
UpgrLevel = Option of 'Excluded' style.
If chest Item Base ID is not found in ExclBaseID list, then if this item's upgrade level is below this value, then it's NOT going to be looted. All other items, which don't have upgrade level ARE being looted

Yabancı bir siteden alıntıdır Alıntıda olsa paylasıma ve emege saygı.Yukarıda yazmamıs sanırım koxp'u ac kapa f11 deiL NUMLOCK 'taki ''*'' tusudur. Eger calısmazsa koxp game'den aldıgım bypass'ı dosyasını calıstırın ardından kapatın oyuna gırdıgınızdede Koautobot.exe'yı acın ve NUMLOCK * tusuna basıp exinizi kasın kolay gelsin


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