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-İngilizce -Fıkralar- 18

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grup tuttuğum takım
Çavuş Grup
Hat durumu Cinsiyet Özel mesaj 203 ileti
Yer: İslambol
İş: Öğrencİ
Kayıt: 20-08-2009 21:09

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kırık link bildirimi Kırık Link Bildir! #340990 23-08-2009 17:12 GMT-1 saat    

One evening after work, a man drove his secretary home
after she had a little too much to drink at a party.
Although nothing happened, he decided not to mention it to
his wife.

Later that night, the man and his wife were driving to a
movie when he spotted a high-heeled shoe hidden under the
passenger seat. Pointing to something out the passenger
window to distract his wife, he picked up the shoe and
tossed it out of his window.

They arrived at the theater a short time later and were
about to get out of the car when his wife asked,
"Honey, have you seen my other shoe?"

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