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-İngilizce -Fıkralar- 12

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grup tuttuğum takım
Çavuş Grup
Hat durumu Cinsiyet Özel mesaj 203 ileti
Yer: İslambol
İş: Öğrencİ
Kayıt: 20-08-2009 21:09

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kırık link bildirimi Kırık Link Bildir! #340996 23-08-2009 17:15 GMT-1 saat    

Once there was a very sick man and his doctor called him back to his office to give him the results of his tests and the doctor told the man to bring his wife with him so he could talk to her about his illness. He arrived at the doctor's office and after the doctor got through explaining to the man about his condition. He asked to speak to his wife. The wife went in to see the doctor, and this is what he said to her.

"one, if you don't cook nutritional foods for your husband every day he is gonna die."
"two, if you don't quit fussing at your husband, he is gonna die."
"and three, if you don't quit so much shopping at Wal-Mart and stressing your husband out, he's gonna die."

On the way home, the husband could not stand to wait any longer to find out what the doctor had told his wife about him.
So he asked, "Honey, what did the doctor say about me?"
She said, "Honey, I hate to tell you this, but you're gonna die."

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